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DAIS Internship Manager - Client


Author: Giacomo De Liberali, 857174@stud.unive.it

Application url: https://giacomodeliberali.github.io/dais-internship-manager

Reference API url: https://giacomodeliberali.github.io/dais-internship-manager/dev-docs


Create an application to manage university student internships.



  • Student
  • Company
  • Professor

Main process

A company insert a internship into the platform, which must be approved by an professor. Once approved the internship will be published and visible by students.

A student navigates and select a published internship. Once selected, the student will start a request for a internship proposal.

Each internship proposal must have the approval of a professor and at last the company confirmation.

For every internship published by companies there will be many internship proposal, and the company should select the couple student/professor that prefers.

Once the number of confirmed internship proposal equals the internship max students number, the internship will be marked as closed and will no more be visible by other students.

During the internship the company or the student can complete the attendance sheet to monitor the completed hours of the student.

At the end of the internship each student, company or professor can print the pre compiled forms (as well as the attendance sheet) that must be signed.

Furthermore, each subject can evaluate others to create an anonymous ranking mechanism.


This is the client side section of the application


To properly generate typedoc reference APIs ensure 'node_modules/@types/node/index.ts' ha the following modifications:


// Comment this declaration
/* interface NodeModule {
    exports: any;
    require: NodeRequireFunction;
    id: string;
    filename: string;
    loaded: boolean;
    parent: NodeModule | null;
    children: NodeModule[];
    paths: string[];
} */

// And replace with this
interface NodeModule {
    id: string;

// Otherwise the following line will throw a transpile error
declare var module: NodeModule;


Generated using TypeDoc